A lot of people I talk to who are fans of The Lord of the Rings don’t like Frodo. “He’s so weak,” they’ll tell me. “He’s really whiny.” “He’s just a wimp.”
When I proceed to tell them that Frodo is my favorite character in the series, they usually can’t believe it. “What? Why? He’s so annoying!”
I kind of agree with that. Frodo is annoying sometimes. But every good, well-written character is and should be at some point in a story. However, I disagree with the general consensus for why Frodo is weak.
Have you ever thought Frodo was weak and annoying? Today I’m here to tell you that deep down, he’s an amazing character. When you delve into the meaning of the One Ring and Frodo’s journey while in possession of it, it's not too hard to see. My goal by the end of this post is to have you thinking, “Okay. Frodo’s not too bad after all.”
1#: He’s Selfless
Frodo didn’t have to take the Ring to Mordor. He could have delivered it to Elrond in Rivendell and said his goodbyes, leaving the wise ones like Gandalf and the council to figure everything out. But instead, he decided to sacrifice his comfort, his home, and perhaps even his life to help protect the people and the world that he cares about. And it doesn’t end there. At the end of The Fellowship of the Ring he leaves his company of friends in an attempt to keep them from further harm, even though it means more peril and danger for himself.
2#: He’s Patient
This certainly isn’t true 100% of the time. There are some times near the end of the series where Frodo loses his temper. But generally, he’s pretty patient. He travels for months with poor clothes, little food, and no roof to sleep under, not to mention the constant pull of an evil ring. Even so, until the very end he manages to smile.
3#: He’s Merciful
In the end, this is what not only saves Frodo’s life but the fate of Middle-earth. Because Frodo’s willing to show Gollum mercy and give him a chance, his quest is eventually completed. Showing Gollum mercy is something that even kind-hearted Sam wasn’t willing to do.
4#: He Fights the Ring
We all know that the One Ring has a mind of its own to some extent. Since Frodo was obviously traveling to destroy it, the Ring was trying to overcome him as much as it could. Add this with the fact that Frodo is sleep-deprived, running for his life, and having to wear the ring frequently to hide, it’s incredible that he was able to stand against the power of the Ring as long as he did. Think of Boromir; he held the ring on only one or two occasions, let alone ever wearing it, before it overcame him.
Every good character has his faults, and Frodo certainly has his. But if there’s one thing for certain, he’s not weak. He fights the Ring much harder and much better than many much older and wiser people could. He sacrifices his own comfort and life for the people he loves. And in the end, Frodo has so many inward wounds that he is no longer able to live in the home he loves. He has to say goodbye to the people he sacrificed everything for. And nobody even ever thanks him. Nobody even ever knows. But Frodo wasn't looking for attention. He was looking to do the right thing no matter what.
I hope I’ve given you some reasons to appreciate Frodo. He’s a strong character with relatable faults and admirable goals. And if you’re still not convinced…Well...