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the e. g. runyan blog
the first posts i wrote my first year of blogging

E. G. Runyan
Dec 8, 20232 min read
A Lord of the Rings Christmas Song
The world has long needed it. So I did it. Last Christmas I wrote a LotR Christmas song, and since my blog didn't even exist this time...

E. G. Runyan
Dec 1, 20232 min read
Airman: A Review & Rant
Description from Goodreads In the 1890s Conor and his family live on the sovereign Saltee Islands, off the Irish coast. Conor spends his...

E. G. Runyan
Sep 1, 20233 min read
4 Reasons Why Frodo Isn't a Weak Character
A lot of people I talk to who are fans of The Lord of the Rings don’t like Frodo. “He’s so weak,” they’ll tell me. “He’s really whiny.”...

E. G. Runyan
Aug 22, 20232 min read
A Review on the 1979 Animated Film "The Return of the King"
Well friends, I watched it. And here is the promised review. For those of you who are brave enough, I have also added scenes and clips...

E. G. Runyan
Jul 21, 20231 min read
My Feelings For the Tolkien Films Described By GIFs
I thought it would be amusing to describe my individual feelings for the different Tolkien renditions by using LotR GIFs, and here is...

E. G. Runyan
Jul 7, 20232 min read
The Silmarillion: A Review
As most of you know, I have sworn to become a Tolkien nerd. One of my first steps in this direction was to check out The Silmarillion...

E. G. Runyan
Jun 23, 20231 min read
A New Category: LotR Facts and Thoughts!
As of today, I'm thrilled to announce that I'm starting a new category on the blog exclusively for thoughts and facts on Tolkien's world....

E. G. Runyan
Jun 20, 20236 min read
The Hobbit Films: A Success Or Failure?
I’ve wanted to write this article for a while since there’s been plenty of dispute over The Hobbit Trilogy films. Some people are avid...
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