Recently my Dad re-discovered his old college blog. Naturally, I've read every post by this time; it's hilarious to read the things my Dad was talking about and doing in college. I happened to find a post of him talking about books, so I decided that I would post it on my blog under a guest post...except it's a post that's 18 years old...
For some clarification, Kristin is my Dad's sister, and Mr. Halpin was the pastor at their church.
The World of Fantasy Just Got A Little Bit Better...
April 17, 2005
Yeah, that's right. I just burned A Wrinkle In Time (; (only a couple people will get that)
Seriously though, today was a very cool day. But what day isn't enjoyable when God is with you? Church was great as usual - our church is the best ever, if Paul would have written to our church, he would have said,
"Lion and Lamb, you are perfect, don't ever change." Ok ok, enough humor!
Church was encouraging and inspirational - I love our band. Also, I went to see Sahara today with my sister, mom, Mr. Halpin and Rachel, and loved it. It's a National Treasure/Mummy type movie; a good story, a fun story. Afterwards we headed to Barnes & Noble. There inevitable happened. As you might know I "love" the Artemis Fowl series, and was really disappointed when I discovered it was "only" a trilogy.
A long time ago I spent numerous hours searching the world wide web for a hint of the positive, a touch of the improbable but still possible notion that a fourth book would sometime be released. My hopes were dashed when I started reading from fans that this was it, and Colfer (the author) never mentioned another book in the making.
Little did I know that..
So I'm walking down the isles of B&N, looking at a book here and there, gazing reproachfully at literature's modern plague (romance novels), when I come across the children's section...
I walk in..
I see the Artemis Fowl books...hmm...good o'l Arty...but one of them looks a little different, I haven't seen this before....slow realization as I take it in my hands....HOLY COW!!!!
I walk heartily in search for Kristin, but run into Mr. Halpin first, showing him the book. He knew it was coming out he says - "I had no idea!" I reply. I turn around, and here comes Kristin walking up with a copy of the book...Mr. Halpin laughs.
Then we headed to Maggie Moo's for some delicious ice cream, and the day went on from there.
I have so many amazing books to read now. Until next time everyone!
The Artemis Fowl book my Dad was talking about was Artemis Fowl and the Opal Deception which you can see here on Amazon.
If you want to hear more from my Dad from 18 years ago, comment below! I'm sure I can dig up something else from his college blog...
Hold on, wait, 🤣. A Wrinkle in Time, the Madeleine L'Engle book?