Whenever I read a book I strongly disagree with, it’s like a match has been dropped onto a pile of fuel doused in gasoline. My heart flames up.
We don’t need selfish, hopeless, discouraging stories with dark messages and characters. We don’t need more things to worry about. We don’t need to be reminded how sad the world is.
We already know.
We need stories that show us the truth of the world, yet from a hopeful standpoint. We need stories that will make our hearts flame up for the right reasons. We need stories that will shake the world with their beauty.
We need stories that will change the world.
Unfortunately there aren’t many people out there who are looking to change the world with their stories. There aren’t many people looking to write edifying books, or read them, for that matter.
Let’s be people who help put true stories into the world.
Subscribe to writing blogs. Read good books that will help you in your life. Write good stories that will teach you discipline and exercise your mind. Support good Christian writers who aren’t looking to preach, but to teach.
There’s enough darkness in the world. There’s enough preachiness in the world, too.
We need hope.
We need to fight against darkness.
My heart exactly! What we need is hope, what we need is more joy. When we want to be entertained we need to be fed with truth and light and beauty. Yes there is pain, loss, and all sorts of terrible things in the world - but all that was torn away when Jesus died for our sins. He came as love, he came as light, so our stories need to reflect that!