Recently I read the book 'Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds' written by professor Phillip E. Johnson. It is a simple and short read giving high schoolers, college students, and teachers a basic understanding of many Darwinian and atheist theories. One of the most interesting facts I came across while reading this book was the study of the evolutionist theory that we are merely the subjects of reproducing DNA, and that only matter exists, not information.
According to materialists and Darwinists alike, we are all the puppets of DNA. DNA used and continues to use us as its tool to reproduce. Through the reproduction of DNA, we slowly developed from savage ape men to the reasoning, civilized humans we are today. This theory is called ‘Gene Selection’ and in Philip E. Johnson’s words, according to this particular philosophy, this is how the story of life began:
‘The Story of Life, Starring Gene
In the beginning there was a naked gene that somehow evolved from a chemical soup. This gene had two important properties: it could reproduce by copying itself, and it could engage in some sort of chemical activity analogous to eating. Mistakes were made in the copying process, and so the descendants of the first gene had varying capabilities. Those that were better at “eating,” and especially reproducing, left more offspring than their less proficient sisters and cousins, and so the Darwinian process of natural selection could begin.’ -Phillip E. Johnson.
In this short, basic tale of how life began, you can see many holes. There is no scientific language to confuse and distract us. Instead you see the bare facts. These bare facts make little sense; indeed, they sound ridiculous. You notice how very many things are left blank, with vague, undefined answers.
If this story of life is true, then DNA is our god. DNA somehow had the mental capabilities to discover how to reproduce, and now we are still DNA’s tools. Our only purpose is to reproduce for DNA. DNA controls us and uses us for its own purposes. If this theory is true, then the entire premise of natural selection still points to a god, but a different one than the one humans have believed in for thousands of years. Richard Dawkins, a very famous Darwinist and author of the highly acclaimed book 'The Blind Watchmaker' wrote on this subject:
“We are survival machines—robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules [of DNA] known as genes.” If this theory is true, then you and everyone else are DNA’s puppet. DNA decides what you believe for you. You believe what you do depending on the way DNA was programmed into you.
Here’s a quick summary of logic and the world through the lenses of the theory of gene selection:
Darwinists, Materialists, and Creationists do not believe their own theories out of their mind’s own logical deductions. Their unique DNA has coded them to think that way. There is no truth, or at least, not one that we could ever find or discover, because our DNA controls the way we think no matter what. As Phillip E. Johsons says, if we replaced the chemicals in the mind of a Darwinist for a different chemical, he would be a Creationist.
You cannot really tell if the sky really is blue; your DNA may just be tricking you. You don’t know if you have ten fingers. Your DNA may have programmed you just to see them that way. You aren’t sure if your team really won the basketball game. Your DNA code may just think they did.
The group of people who still persist in thinking the world is flat are just as logical (or illogical) as you and I. They merely have a unique DNA coding that makes them think that way. Our own DNA coding happens to have us believe that the world is round. Both groups are one and the same in levels of logical deduction. Our DNA just happens to have us believe in different things.
Neither Darwinism, nor Materialism, nor Creationism can be proved or justly believed by any proving of logic. In fact, how do we even know that the theory of Gene Selection can be believed? Our DNA may have just programmed us to think so!
According to this theory, there is no purpose in a school education outside of learning how to live according to what most of our DNA coding tells us. All the things we are learning in school are invalid; they are only what many educator’s DNA tells them is true. Universities like Oxford and Harvard aren’t necessary, because everything they teach is only from the viewpoints of different DNA codes.
Life from the viewpoint then, of gene selection, is this:
There is no happiness
There is no pain
There is no love
There is no sin
There is no logic
There is no reasoning
There is no purpose apart from reproduction; if you aren’t able to reproduce you have no purpose
There is no reality
There is only DNA
Basically, you have a mind incapable of thinking for itself.
I don’t want to live in a virtual reality like that.
Do you?
This theory undermines everything we know about the universe. If this theory is true, then we know nothing, and there is no point in science. Is that really what these scientists want? Are they so desperate to throw out the idea of a divine God and purpose for every life for a theory that, if true, means that we know nothing?
I think that they do.
Was this your first article??!! How cool! You were once a humble "two comments on a post" blogger like myself! O.O
This is super interesting! Life would be incredibly depressing for someone who believes all of this stuff. Amazing article!!