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  • Writer's pictureE. G. Runyan

Why We Write: An Introduction To This Blog

Updated: Apr 4

“Why do you write?”

I’ve heard this question several times in one form or another, and if you’re on this blog you may be wondering the same thing. Why do I write? Why do other people write? Why is this important, anyway?

We write because the world needs stories.

Why does the world need stories?

I personally believe that stories are important because they have the ability to show us truth and teach us in deep, powerful ways.

It's not a coincidence that one of the main ways Jesus taught his followers were through parables. Jesus told his disciples stories with different characters and adventures. Instead of telling them the truth simple and straight, he instead told them a story and left them to discover that truth for themselves.

I love this quote from writer Andrew Peterson:

“If you want someone to know the truth, tell them. If you want someone to love the truth, tell them a story.”

On this blog you'll mainly find me talking about different forms of storytelling. Music, books, writing, poetry, and film is usually what I'll be discussing, but from a Christian viewpoint, focusing on how, as Christians, we have an incredible opportunity to change the world with stories.

In Andrew Peterson’s song To All the Poets he sings to the storytellers. Those who write songs, stories, poems, and what those things do for the world.

I encourage you to listen to this song if you haven’t before. For those of you who write, it will remind you why you’re doing this. For those of you who are wondering why we do it, this song will show you.

This is why I write.

This is why we write.

Your fellow pilgrim,

E. G. Runyan

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