Photo credit to Marc-Olivier Jodoin.
It's what we all want. What we're all searching for. It's why people tear the world and others around them apart.
I'm incredibly guilty of doing this same thing in my life. I try to find fulfillment in my writing, my abilities, my friendships, and my family. I look for fulfillment in respect and prestige, in complements and affirmation. But I never find it.
We all want to feel loved. We all want to belong. We all want to be respected, looked up to, and admired. We all think that if we only reach that one goal---have a relationship with that one person, reach that subscriber goal, go to that next event, that we'll finally find fulfillment.
But we never will.
You can have the relationship. You can surpass the subscriber goal. You can attend the special event.
You'll never find fulfillment there.
Fulfillment isn't a thing. It isn't a person. It isn't a relationship. It isn't a promise. Fulfillment is a God.
He is our literal fulfillment for our sins and trespasses. But even more than that; He is what fills our hearts and gives us contentment, joy, healing, and all that matters.
No matter what has happened to you in your in your life, friend, you can have joy. You can have fulfillment. You can heal.
Have you run away? Are you running away? Are you looking for purpose and meaning in this fleeting world? If so, you'll find that this world will betray you every time.
But when we betrayed ourselves, God traded his righteousness for our wrongness.
He loves you that much.
You can find all the answers of your heart in Christ.
He's just waiting for you to come back to him.