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  • Writer's pictureE. G. Runyan

What Can I: A Poem

Updated: Aug 1, 2023

What Can I

What can I say

That won’t give me away?

The rain pours down

On the village green.

What can I do

That will lead me to You?

The moss it grows

On the ancient trees.

What can I think?

Tears come and I blink.

The path it winds

Through the scattered pines.

What can I say

That won’t give me away?

What can I do

That will lead me to You?

What can I think?

Tears come and I blink.

The rain pours down

On the village green

The moss it grows

On the ancient trees

The path it winds

Through the scattered pines.

The smell of mud

The smell of growth

The smell life

And life has hope.

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Mar 09, 2023

Oh, this is so beautiful and encouraging!

E. G. Runyan
E. G. Runyan
Mar 09, 2023
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I'm so glad that you found it so!

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