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  • Writer's pictureE. G. Runyan

Dandelion: Guest Post by A. B. Swinborne

Photo credit to Aaron Burden on Unsplash.

Today I am delighted to welcome my friend A. B. Swinborne on my blog for a post! A. B. Swinborne is the mind behind the blog Story Anchor, a haven on the internet for good stories. Make sure to check it out and subscribe to receive her work in your email!


My bare feet passed over the simple flower bed, careful to avoid each new blossom. My hair was woven into a long braid that wandered its merry way down my back. Warm mid-summer breeze brushed lightly against my skin as my slender fingers toyed with my stray golden locks. 

“Are you coming?” I called back over my shoulder, spinning around to face my dawdling companion. 

He grunted his response while sidestepping a stray bloom. Trudging over to me, he slid his hands in his pockets as the wind messed with his already wild, dark brown hair. 

Smiling, I seated myself on the soft grass, twirling the longer strands around my pinkie finger. 

My companion seated himself beside me, watching as the sun’s last, wonderful rays mingled with the shadows from the trees. 

I peered over to the flowerbed beside us, and, upon spotting my prize, reached out and plucked the solitary dandelion from her home among the roses. 

“Where’d you find that?” my companion questioned, glancing down with scorn at my treasure. 

“Over there,” I replied, pointing to the flowerbed. 

He groaned. 

“Another one? Blasted weeds!” 

“This isn’t a weed. It’s a wishing flower,” I said with a grin. 

He cocked an eyebrow at me as I pressed the flower into his hand. He couldn’t help but smile, holding the flower up to his lips and blowing. 

We watched as the seedling darted out toward the sunset, dancing like fairies through the sky.


A.B. Swinborne is a young author who has been published on Kingdom Pen and posts weekly. She is the author of The Sun Maiden and Moon Child and has written numerous short stories, many of which are available on her blog, Story Anchor. Besides these, she has also written several full-length stories such as the freebie for her email list, which is a historical fiction about a Jewish boy right before World War 1. These and other stories are focused on God and His glory. When she's not writing, Abigail can be found enjoying a good book or tending to her garden.

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Feb 07

This is beautiful. <3


Feb 05

This was so lovely! <3


Belle Thomas
Belle Thomas
Feb 02

Wow I loved this sm!!!


Feb 02

Aw I love this!! 😊


Unknown member
Feb 02

This is lovely <3

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